Ch. 9 Chemical Equilibrium

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dyanmic equilibrium: concentration remains constant, but reactions are occuring at a molecular level
the reaction occurs at the same rate in one direction as the other

Equilibrium Expression

In a balanced, simplified equilibrium reaction aA+bBpP+nN\ce{aA + bB <=> pP + nN},


What is the equilibrium expression for the combustion of propane (CX3HX8\ce{C3H8})?

The balanced equilibrium reaction is CX3HX8+5OX24HX2O+3COX2\ce{C3H8 + 5O2 <=> 4H2O + 3CO2}
So, the equilibrium expression is

In general, only aqueous substances (and mixed gases) are included, i.e. solids/liquids are ignored


Given the following reactions and equilibrium constants:
AgX+(aq)+ClX(aq)AgCl(s)Kc=5.6109\begin{matrix}\ce{Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) <=> AgCl(s)} && K_c=5.6\cdot10^9\end{matrix}
AgX+(aq)+2NHX3(aq)Ag(NHX3)X2X+(aq)Kc=1.6107\begin{matrix}\ce{Ag+(aq) + 2NH3(aq) <=> Ag(NH3)2+(aq)} && K_c=1.6\cdot10^7\end{matrix}
Calculate the equilibrium constant for
AgCl(s)+2NHX3(aq)Ag(NHX3)X2X+(aq)+ClX(aq)\ce{AgCl(s) + 2NH3(aq) <=> Ag(NH3)2+(aq) + Cl-(aq)}

The third equation can be obtained by adding the second equation with the reverse of the first equation.
So, the equilibrium constant desired is Kc=(1.6107)(15.6109)=2.9103K_c=(1.6\cdot10^7)(\frac{1}{5.6\cdot10^9})=2.9\cdot10^{-3}

Using the Equilibrium Constant

Example 1

Is the reaction in equilibrium?
HX2(g)+IX2(g)2HI(g)Kc=49\begin{matrix}\ce{H2(g) + I2(g) <=> 2HI(g)}&&K_c=49\end{matrix}
[HX2]=0.10 M[\ce{H2}]=\pu{0.10 }M; [IX2]=0.1 M[\ce{I2}]=\pu{0.1 }M; [HI]=0.70 M[\ce{HI}]=\pu{0.70 }M

Calculate the reaction quotient:
Since Q=KcQ=K_c, the reaction is in equilibrium.

Example 2

Which direction will the following reaction go in?
HF(aq)+HX2O(l)FX(aq)+HX3OX+(aq)Kc=6.8104\begin{matrix}\ce{HF(aq) + H2O(l) <=> F-(aq) + H3O+(aq)}&&K_c=6.8\cdot10^{-4}\end{matrix}
[HF]=0.20 M[\ce{HF}]=\pu{0.20 }M; [FX]=2.0104 M[\ce{F-}]=\pu{2.0*10^{-4} } M; [HX3OX+]=2.0104 M[\ce{H3O+}]=\pu{2.0*10^-4 }M

Calculate the reaction quotient, noting that water is ignored
Since Q<KcQ<K_c, the reaction favors the products and move right

RICE Tables

Example 1

If 0.250 M\pu{0.250 } M each of NOX2\ce{NO2}, SOX2\ce{SO2}, NO\ce{NO}, and SOX3\ce{SO3} are mixed until equilibrium is reached, 0.261 M\pu{0.261 } M of NOX2\ce{NO2}
was measured in the container. What is the equilibrium constant for this reaction?

We start the RICE table with the balanced reaction


Next we fill in the known information, including initial concentration, the change, and the equilibrium expressions

Initial0.250 M\pu{0.250 }M0.250 M\pu{0.250 }M0.250 M\pu{0.250 }M0.250 M\pu{0.250 }M

Since the equilibrium concentration of NOX2\ce{NO2} is 0.261 M\pu{0.261 }M,
0.250+x=0.261x=0.0110.250+x=0.261\rightarrow x=0.011
So, the equilibrium constant is

Example 2

A container is filled with 0.200 M\pu{0.200 }MBrCl\ce{BrCl}. Given the following equation, what is the equilibrium concentration of BrX2\ce{Br2} and ClX2\ce{Cl2}?
BrX2+ClX22BrClKc=6.90\begin{matrix}\ce{Br2 + Cl2 <=> 2BrCl}&&K_c=6.90\end{matrix}

Create the RICE table

Initial0 M\pu{0 }M0 M\pu{0 }M0.200 M\pu{0.200 }M

Now, we can make the equilibrium expression
Kc=6.90=(0.2002x)2x22.627=0.2002xxx=0.0432K_c=6.90=\frac{(0.200-2x)^2}{x^2}\rightarrow 2.627=\frac{0.200-2x}{x}\rightarrow x=0.0432
So, the final concentrations are [BrX2]=0.0432 M[\ce{Br2}]=\pu{0.0432 }M, [ClX2]=0.0432 M[\ce{Cl2}]=\pu{0.0432 }M, and [BrCl]=0.114 M[\ce{BrCl}]=\pu{0.114 }M

If KcK_c is very small, xx may be ignored where it is added or subtracted due to approximations


If 2.00 moles\pu{2.00 moles} of SOX3\ce{SO3} is placed in a 1.00 L\pu{1.00 L} flask, what are the final concentrations of the substances in the flask?
2SOX3(g)2SOX2(g)+OX2(g)Kc=2.41025\begin{matrix}\ce{2SO3(g) <=> 2SO2(g) + O2(g)}&&K_c=2.4\cdot10^{-25}\end{matrix}

Create the RICE table, noting that [SOX3]=2.00 mol1.00 L=2.00 M[\ce{SO3}]=\frac{\pu{2.00 mol}}{\pu{1.00L}}=\pu{2.00 }M

Initial2.00 M\pu{2.00 }M0 M\pu{0 }M0 M\pu{0 }M

Plugging into the equilibrium expression,
Since KcK_c is so small, it can be assumed that xx is also very small, so 2.002x2.002.00-2x\approx 2.00, making the equation
Kc=2.41025=x(2x)2(2.00)2x3=2.41025x=6.2109K_c=2.4\cdot10^{-25}=\frac{x(2x)^2}{(2.00)^2}\rightarrow x^3=2.4\cdot10^{-25}\rightarrow x=6.2\cdot10^{-9}
So, the final concentrations are [SOX3]=2.00 M[\ce{SO3}]=\pu{2.00 }M, [SOX2]=1.2108[\ce{SO2}]=1.2\cdot10^{-8}, and [OX2]=6.2109[\ce{O2}]=6.2\cdot10^{-9}

Since PV=nRTPV=nRT can be rearranged to be nV=PRT\frac{n}{V}=\frac{P}{RT}, the molar concentration is proportional to the pressure under a constant temperature.
So, the same equation and process may be used with partial pressures and the equilibrium constant KpK_p
In general, Kp=Kc(RT)ΔngK_p=K_c(RT)^{\Delta n_g}
where KpK_p is equilibrium pressure, KcK_c is equilibrium concentration, RR is the ideal gas constant, TT is the Kelvin temperature, and Δng\Delta n_g is the change in the number of moles of gas in the balanced reaction

Solubility Product

In determining if a solid is soluble, we use KspK_{sp}
Usually the equation looks like aA(s)bB(aq)+cC(aq)\ce{aA(s) <=> bB(aq) + cC(aq)}, so Ksp=[B]b[C]cK_{sp}=[B]^b[C]^c


If the molar solubility of MgFX2\ce{MgF2} is 1.18103 mol/L\pu{1.18*10^-3 mol/L}, what is KspK_{sp}?

Set up the RICE table

InitialSolid0 M\pu{0 }M0 M\pu{0 }M

We know the molar solubility is x=1.18103x=1.18\cdot10^{-3}, so the expression for KspK_{sp} is

Weak-Acid/Weak-Base Equilibria

Weak acids and bases ionize partly when dissolved in water

Le Châtlier's Principle